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Sprint 1 Lesson Plan

Broad and shallow introduction to almost everything that will be taught in the class.

Learning Goals for Sprint 1

  1. Learn that it’s ok to guess and it’s ok to fail.
  2. Learn that the answers won’t always be given to you, but if you know where to go for help, (Slack) the answers are available.
  3. Learn that it is important to seek help immediately, (Google, Slack, etc) rather than waiting for someone in authority to give you the answer (waiting for the meeting with the tutor or waiting until the next class).


  1. Account Management Workshop
  2. Getting Started with Slack
  3. Asking for Help
  4. Finding Answers using Google
  5. Getting Started with Atom
  6. File types and encoding
  7. Introduction to HTML


  1. Brainload
  2. Youtube Resources for Sprint 1

Self Assessment

Sprint 1 Self Assessment

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