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Introduction to HTML

Write a little HTML. Learn to open a file in an editor and a browser simultaneously. Begin to form an understanding that HTML tags affect how text is rendered in the browser. See that random text in HTML is by default not interpreted as code.


  1. Learn to open a file in an editor and a browser simultaneously.
  2. Begin to form an understanding that HTML tags affect how text is rendered in the browser.
  3. See that random text in HTML is by default not interpreted as code.


First, students will write a small amount of HTML while guided by the instructor. The following snippet can be used as a reference point

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>My Webpage</title>
    <h1>Hello there!</h1>
    <p>My name is <strong>...</strong> </p>
    <p>I am writing HTML!</p>

Key Takeaways

  • When developing, the HTML file is open in an editor and a browser simultaneously.
  • HTML tags affect how text is rendered in the browser.
  • Text in an HTML file is rendered, in other words: by default, text is seen as content, not code.
  • In HTML we have to put special characters around the text we want to read as code.
  • For HTML tags, those characters are the angle brackets (“<” and “>”).


  • Brainload: get some exposure to HTML syntax without thinking about it too much.