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Using JavaScript with HTML

JavaScript is a programming language that is used to change a website after the site has rendered. JavaScript is most often used to respond to user actions. This is called making a site interactive. Besides responding user action, JavaScript can also create and modify the DOM (HTML elements).

Let’s review the three primary programming languages that are used to build websites:

  • HTML: the content of the page
  • CSS: styles the content
  • JavaScript: interaction and changing the page

JavaScript Examples

Using JavaScript to show different prices based on slider value.

JavaScript slider example

❓ Question ❓

Can someone find another example of JavaScript on a site they regulary use?

Add JavaScript to an HTML page

Remember how there are multiple ways to add CSS to an HTML page? (hint: using the <style> tag or linking an .css file) Adding JavaScript is done in a similiar way, but with a few key differences.

1. The <script> tag

The <script> tag is a special HTML tag which is used to write JavaScript inside of an HTML file.

Here’s an example:


// JavaScript code goes here
console.log("Hello from JavaScript");

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❓ Where does the <script> tag go in the html file? ❓

Answer The `script` tag can be placed anywhere in either the `head` or the `body` of the HTML document. However, there is a difference between them! What happens happen if the `script` tag is placed in the `head` of the document? Consider a really long JavaScript file (5 million lines of code). ✅ `script` tags should be located at the end of the `body`. This way the browser renders the HTML code before reading the JavaScript code (which can be slow for big files).

2. External script

Alternatively we can link to a JavaScript file using the src attribute on the script tag. JavaScript file always end with the .js file extension.


<script src="./my-first-javascript.js"></script>

💃 Exercise! 🕺

In your web project do the following:

  1. Create a new JavaScript file called: main.js
  2. Add the following code to main.js: alert("Hello world!");
  3. Add a <script> tag to your index.html page with the src attribute set to the new JavaScript file path



<!DOCTYPE html>

    <title>My HTML page</title>
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />

    <h1>This is my page</h1>
    <script src="./main.js"></script>



alert("Hello world!");

JavaScript Features

1. Variables

Variables allow you to store a value for later. We can store all sort of things: text, numbers, even DOM nodes!

💃 Exercise! 🕺

  1. Update your main.js file to include a variable.
  2. Use the alert() function to show the value of this variable
  3. Change the variable to your name!
  4. Try adding multiple alert() call and updating the variable inbetween calls


var name = "Carson";
alert("Hello " + name);

name = "Kevin";
alert("Hello " + name);

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2. Functions

Functions allow you to wrap code that can be run later. This is a similar idea to variables execpt we are storing code to be run later, as opposed to simple values.

There are two basic phases of functions

  1. Defining the function
  2. Calling the function
// define
function showAlert() {
  alert("Hello from function!");

// call

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3. The document variable

The document is a special variable that is always available inside of the browser. It stores the entire HTML document in JavaScript and has special functions that we use to interact with the HTML document.

Lets say we wanted to add a button that increased a counter every time it is clicked. We could use the document variable to listen for button clicks and then update the counter text when ever the button is clicked.

// store HTML elements as variables to use later
var button = document.querySelector("button");
var outputDiv = document.querySelector("div.output");

// start count at 0
var count = 0;

button.addEventListener("click", function(event) {
  // increase the count variable
  count = count + 1;

  // update the HTML with new count
  outputDiv.innerHTML = count;

Further Reading