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Sprint 1 Self-Test

Review all of the questions and place a checkmark next to the questions you think you can answer. Bring your test with your check marks in to class.

If you are unsure about any question, you can use the links in the test to review the material, ask in Slack, ask your Tutor, or get help in a Saturday lab.


  • What are different ways you can get help in this class?
  • What is a sprint?
  • What is the final project for this class?
  • When is the homework due?

Account Management

  • How do you generate a new password?
  • How do you log in using a password stored in your Smart Lock?
  • How do you view all your saved passwords?


  • What channel will the teacher use to communicate important information?
  • How do you send a message to just one person?
  • Fill out the student tutoring availability form
  • Did you meet with your tutor this week?

File Types

  • Does your computer show file extensions?
  • What is the difference between plain text and rich text?

Atom Workshop

  • Do you know how to open a given file in Atom?
  • Do you know how to create a new file using Atom?

Source Code First Glance

  • If an HTML file has just “Hello World” in it, will the browser read that as code or content?
  • In HTML, what characters indicate something is code?
  • What is a tag?

Score: ___ / 18