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Sprint 1

For this sprint, we are going to build on our previous knowledge of HTML, CSS, and Github to start to create a Github page that we will contribute to throughout this course.

Review Previous Class Assignment

  • Why are side projects so important for developers?
    • Is this something unique to web development?
    • Is this attitude different than what you expected?
  • How would you describe “Thinking like a Programmer?”
  • What was one web design trend you would like to try out?

Making Time to Code

April is the CEO and Founder of Vogue & Code, an online resource for minorities in tech to explore the industry and find guidance on where to get started. Between running a business, working a full-time job, and various side-projects, she explains how she fits learning to code into her days in this video, Making Time to Code

Here’s what she recommended:

  1. Create a detailed schedule and stick to it
  2. Code before your other obligations start
  3. Try to sneak coding into smaller windows of availability, like lunch breaks

In-class Assignment

The goal of the in-class assignment is to bring clarity on using Markdown. We will also explore using Github to create pull requests and cover some best practices when developing code collaboratively.

Understanding Markdown -> HTML and CSS

Markdown is not HTML, but it is a syntax that translates to HTML. You cannot just view .md files in the browser - there has to be a program to convert it into HTML that browsers can render.

Let’s try to convert the following markdown into HTML:

# Markdown Blog Post
I like using Markdown. It makes writing HTML so much easier!
**You can even use HTML in Markdown**, which is <em>really cool!</em>

I think I'll use it to format all of [my blog posts](../blog) from now on. However, I've discovered there are a few things to look out for. 

![Screenshot of Markdown](./images/screenshot-of-markdown.png)

## Things to look out for
* Markdown is really good when I don't need to worry about styles
* When you want to add styles, you have to build a new compiler :(
* It's easy to make some small changes that don't work out well, like: ![Screenshot of Markdown] (./images/screenshot-of-markdown.png) doesn't work because it has an extra space in it! 
* You have to have a special plug in to see what it's going to look like locally

Remember to checkout this [Markdown guide]( if you need help figuring out how to do something. It's really helpful!

[View more posts](../blog)
  1. What is Markdown?
  2. How does Markdown get converted?
  3. What is Markdown good for? What are some times when it would be better to write HTML?

At-home Assignment

HTML Best Practices

CSS Naming Conventions and Best Practives

Web Design Page Layouts

Writing Prompt

What are your thoughts on the homework material? Think about:

  • What are the benefits of using HTML best practices?
  • What does BEM stand for? How does the naming convention differ from how you have written class names before?
  • Does web design differ from other forms of design?
  • What is Gestalt? What are all the ways to use the Law of Similarity to group objects?

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